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Members in All 50 States and 80 CountriesWelcome to District of Columbia 酒吧! Whether you're working from a virtual office in Singapore or at a firm in the nation's capital, D。.C. 酒吧 offers its members numerous opportunities to enrich careers and uplift the community. Established in 1972, D。.C. 酒吧 empowers its members to achieve professional success by offering community, 价值, 创新, 服务, 领导, 和教育.

Learn more about the organization with the networking opportunities available as part of the exclusive benefits you receive for being a 价值d member.

Want to stay up to date with the latest at the 酒吧? 跟着我们走 LinkedIn, 推特, 脸谱网, Instagram, YouTube, as well as sign up for our daily D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台公会法律摘要, which offers tailored news stories from thousands of media outlets for the busy lawyer.

License Information

In accordance with Section 3.解析:选D.C. 条规章制度, "Persons who are sworn into the 酒吧 between July 1 and December 31 shall pay the full amount of the annual license fee. Persons who are sworn in between January 1 and April 30 shall pay one-half the annual license fee.“因此, your initial license fee invoice will be billed upon registration based on your original oath/swear-in date for the current fiscal year.

Initial license fees are payable upon receipt of notice and no more than 60 days after to avoid the assessment of late fees. Newly admitted members who fail to submit payment of their initial license fee within 90 days of the invoice will be administratively suspended.

For additional information on the classes of membership available to you and current license fee amounts please click 在这里.

Exclusive Member Perks

Make your membership work for you! D.C. 酒吧 offers thousands of dollars in savings through our affinity partnerships. As a 价值d member of the 酒吧, you have access to exclusive discounts on legal research tools, 健康保险, cloud-based law practice management software, 健康, 还有更多!

D.C. 酒吧 offers free access to Fastcase for Active and Judicial members. This unique benefit offers D.C.-specific content exclusive to D.C. 酒吧 members in addition to the premium nationwide online legal research database of case law, regulations, statutes (a $995 价值).

Need a quiet place to work, or just want to escape the office for the day? All members can reserve a free private office or cubicle in the Member 连接ion Suite for up to 24 hours per month, with access to Wi-Fi, printing, refreshments.

证书 of Good Standing

In July 2019, D。.C. 酒吧 became the first mandatory bar to offer online order and fulfillment of 证书 of Good Standing. Log into your member account to order and receive your certificate via email today!

Free Professional Services

法律道德 delivers confidential consultative 服务s on ethical issues related to D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct.

Lawyer Assistance Program provides confidential 服务s for those experiencing problems such as substance abuse, 焦虑, 压力, 和抑郁.

我们的 Attorney/Client Arbitration 董事会 offers an arbitration 服务 for D.C. 酒吧 members and their clients to resolve disputes about legal fees.

Practice Management Advisory Service helps members optimize their legal practice with one-on-one consultations, 免费的研讨会, content that guides them throughout their careers.

Continuing Education

D.C. 酒吧's award-winning 继续教育课程 are available on-site, online, on-demand. 课程 satisfy MCLE requirements in all states with mandatory continuing legal education requirements.


A print and digital subscription of 华盛顿靠谱的滚球平台 magazine provides you with thought-provoking content and tools for your practice. D.C. 酒吧 also delivers the information you need through a variety of digital communications including 酒吧 Bulletin, a biweekly e-newsletter of 酒吧 news and updates, 及法律摘要, a daily curated email of national and international legal news. You can also connect with us via LinkedIn, 推特, 脸谱网, Instagram, YouTube.

Networking Opportunities

Engage with local attorneys and judges at hundreds of 酒吧 events each year. By joining a Community in your area of the law, you also get access to substantive content programs and receptions for practitioners and judicial officers.

Volunteer Service

D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center provides members with meaningful volunteer opportunities to serve the community, as well as the support and mentoring to be successful. 的 公益性服务 Center touches the lives of more than 20,000 D.C. residents each year, including low-income individuals, community-based nonprofit organizations, small businesses.

领导 and Professional Development

Enhance 领导 skills, teamwork, professionalism by joining three or more of our 20 社区 in specific areas of legal practice (such as litigation, intellectual property, government contracts), by applying to get involved with a standing committee of the 酒吧, or by applying to participate in the John Payton 领导 Academy.

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