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Request for Public Comment to Amend D.C. Court of Appeals Rule 46 — Admission to the Bar

July 06, 2017

The D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台公会全球法律实务工作小组(“工作小组”)正在就其报告和建议征求公众意见.C. Court of Appeals Rule 46 — Admission to the Bar (“Rule 46”). Comments are due by close of business on September 5, 2017.

Existing D.C. Court of Appeals Rule 46 — Admission to the Bar

Under existing Rule 46 governing admission to the D.C. Bar, 非美国靠谱的滚球平台协会认可的法学院的毕业生——包括外国法学院的毕业生——可能有资格获得法学博士学位.C. 首先要在美国靠谱的滚球平台协会认可的法学院完成26个额外学分的教育. 额外的学分必须是在统一靠谱的滚球平台考试(UBE)中测试的科目。. The additional criteria apply to applicants seeking admission to the D.C. Bar — whether by: (1) admission based on examination in this jurisdiction; or (2) admission by transfer of a UBE score attained in another jurisdiction; or (3) admission without examination of members of the bar of other jurisdictions. Before submission to the Board of Governors, 工作组要求公众对规则46的拟议修正案提出意见,摘要如下.

Summary of Proposed Amendments to Rule 46

The Task Force proposes amendments to Rule 46 that would: (1) reduce the number of credit hours to satisfy the additional education requirement from 26 hours to 24 hours; (2) change the subject matter requirement to 12 credit hours from a list of specific courses described in Rule 46 and 12 credit hours in elective courses; and (3) allow any amount of the additional education requirement to be completed by distance education that the law school would certify as complying with ABA distance education standards. 所有拟议的变化都将适用于非美国靠谱的滚球平台协会认可的法学院的毕业生, which comprise both American and foreign schools, regardless of the path they choose to seek admission to the D.C. Bar.

对规则46的拟议修改将取消或修改对接纳其他方面合格的人造成重大负担的要求, foreign-educated individuals, 同时通过满足该规则下新的额外教育标准,保持获得美国法律教育基础的价值. 拟议的改革将提高靠谱的滚球平台满足客户法律服务需求的能力. 尽管许多受过外国教育的个人注册并获得高级法律学位(LL.M.s) from District of Columbia and other American law schools, 目前的规定导致这些人中的大多数人寻求进入其他美国靠谱的滚球平台协会.S. jurisdictions. 拟议的改革旨在鼓励这些受过外国教育的个人申请进入美国.C. Bar.

候选人能够使用美国靠谱的滚球平台协会认可的法学院的远程教育方法来完成所有额外的教育时间,这将大大减少旅行和住房成本, as well as immigration burdens on foreign-educated individuals. 工作组认为,无论采用何种方法来满足aba认可的法学院的额外实质性学分(居住或远程教育), taking and passing the demanding professional licensing bar examination in a U.S. 管辖权是确立个人在获准执业时的专业能力的标准.

拟议的改革还旨在减轻法学博士招生委员会的行政负担.C. Court of Appeals (“COA”). Under the Task Force’s proposal, 规则本身将对必修课和选修课提供具体指导, 法学院将证明申请人的教育符合规则46的具体课程要求. 而COA可以选择分析任何靠谱的滚球平台资格申请人的特定课程内容, the COA would not be required to do so.

工作组还提出了两项行政变更,使规则46符合适当的术语:(1)将“aba批准”改为“aba认可”,” throughout Rule 46; and (2) change ‘Rules of Professional Responsibility” to “Rules of Professional Conduct” in Rule 46 to reflect nomenclature consistent in referring to the ABA Model Rules.

Lastly, the Task Force recommends that the Committee on Admissions of the D.C. 上诉法院考虑建立一个“常见问题”网页,并根据需要定期发布关于如何解释规则46的咨询指南,以造福申请人和法学院.

The D.C. Bar Global Legal Practice Task Force

In 2014, the D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台公会理事会(“理事会”)根据当时的靠谱的滚球平台事务高级专员的建议,批准设立全球法律实务工作队.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会主席布里吉达·贝尼特斯(Brigida Benitez)将探讨法律实践全球化所产生的问题,这些问题对靠谱的滚球平台协会成员产生了影响.C. Bar and the Bar as an organization, and to make recommendations about what the Bar may consider doing to address them.

Read the Task Force’s report and proposed amendments to Rule 46.

Written comments about the proposed amendments should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or to the D.C. Bar Global Legal Practice Task Force, c/o Michael D. Rybak, District of Columbia Bar, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005, not later than September 5, 2017. For hard copies of the report, please contact Duane Tolson at [email protected], 202-737-4700, ext. 3358.

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